Let's Work Together
Tools to Help
You Tap into Your
Inner Compass
Start Your Journey to a Brighter & Happier Life
The tools listed on this page, helped me heal and transform through my journey with grief.
Reiki, spiritual mentoring, meditation, and blogging worked together to help me deeply explore my authentic self.
I regained my inner calmness — and reconnected with my joy through gratitude, forgiveness and unconditional love.
My courses and services will help you to dive deep into the process of uncovering and healing self-limiting beliefs, attitudes and perceptions.
Additionally, with some of my courses, you'll connect with other light seekers across the U.S. I believe the work we do for ourselves we also do for others. Through opening of our minds, hearts and stories, we learn, support and grow together

Val is a highly-gifted healer and her innate talents, wealth of knowledge, compassion, and genuine care opened my eyes and my heart to the magic of what it means to stay present and balanced.
tap into your inner compass to begin healing with…
60 min Session | $125
90 min Session | $165
Distance/Remote Reiki Healing
30 min Session | $47
tap into your inner compass to begin healing with…

Reiki Healing
A Japanese holistic healing energy to treat the whole person, mind, body, spirit and emotions. Promotes a state of relaxation and feeling of peace and well-being.
60 min Session | $125
90 min Session | $165
Distance/Remote Reiki Healing
30 min Session | $47

Past Life Regression
A healing technique, using a relaxed state, to recover memories of past lives or incarnations. This core practice allows you to access deeper levels of consciousness and receive answers to life challenges leading to catharsis and healing.
2- hour Session | $250

Energy Balancing
​Reiki and energy-healing sessions to enhance awareness, intuition
& release blockages.

Intuitive Readings
​Get the guidance and clarity you've been looking for.

Reiki Healing
A Japanese holistic healing energy to treat the whole person, mind, body, spirit and emotions. Promotes a state of relaxation and feeling of peace and well-being.

Val made this expanding journey so very wonderful. She is trustworthy with your life experiences, a magnificent mentor.
- Bertha, NJ

"Val is an amazing teacher and guide who gently helped me realize my own on-going awakening. She provided the tools I needed with unconditional love and grace."
- Monique, NY

The From Heaven with Love Oracle Deck gives you messages to help you connect with your loved ones in spirit.
This 53-card deck has messages filled with love and guidance from our loved ones who want to help and guide you through these difficult times.
Oracle Deck
FEE: $33

Connect with your spirit guides and loved ones to discover insights on your life purpose, business, love and to connect with your loved ones on the other side.
All Personal Readings may be purchased through my Etsy shop - A Light Heart Tarot and are recorded readings uploaded onto Vimeo. When the reading is ready, you will be sent your private link to it.
A Light Heart Tarot