A story about synchronicity and how the universe has our back even when we are
not aware of it...
I used to drive up I87 to college and would ponder what it would be like to live along the Hudson River...
Fast forward to last year... I'm content living in the rental Derek and I shared and the memories that came with it. In truth, I was holding onto those memories for dear life. As the apartment was one of the last pieces I felt I had of who I was when I was with him.
One day, I walk into the office Derek and I used to share. I had not touched anything in it for four years... a crumbled piece of paper laid on the floor next to his chair. I threw it in the garbage can... I didn't know why I needed to do it, but the purging began...
A few weeks later I see an alert that the house of a favorite TV actress who had inspired me to join the company I work, had gone down in price significantly. Again, buying property wasn't even on my radar but there was a drive, a needed to see this place. So without giving it a second thought, I hit the button to have a realtor contact me...
The realtor who was randomly picked, shared a similar spiritual path and became a kindred soul. I found myself looking at places.
The 1st place I looked at was at the complex on the water I used to admire during my drives to school. The apartment faced the highway, I wasn't interested but as we left the building, the selling realtor said "a new apartment just went up today."
We went to look at it and it immediately felt like home. I exhaled. For the first time in five years I felt a new energy. I could see myself living in a new space and I didn't feel like I was abandoning my relationship with Derek but was building the foundation for "Chapter 2." As, I walked out the building, a woman sitting out front looked at me and said "welcome home."
The seller's name was Betty Ann, the same as my mother's. And they both grew up in the Bronx.Â
Instinctively, I knew everything was going to work out. I had been preparing for this without even being aware...and the universe was setting events in motion to support me. I hadn't even looked at my credit score when I applied for my loan! But a few things happened in the weeks leading up to me putting in an offer (at the time I didn't think anything of it) that afforded the best deal.
The loan officer, realtor, insurance agent, my landlord at the time, seller's agent, my attorney --all worked together seamlessly.
The list of "little miracles" went on.
At the closing, while we're all eating donuts and laughing (something I learned later doesn't usually happen) a comment was made that this was the most enjoyable and smoothest process they had ever experienced.
In that moment I was made aware that the universe helped everything to "fall" into place from the moment I decided to purge the office at my old place to the moment I signed the papers that ushered a new chapter of my life.
It is now one year later I look out the window onto the Tappan Zee bridge and take note of the deep gratitude I have for how everything fell into place. I was no longer living in a building by myself secluded from others but now was living community with others that heals my spirit and supports me.
The moral of this story is that sometimes it's hard to see where our journey will lead us. And sometimes the path that we think we are headed towards takes a detour and leads us into a direction that leads to a higher good we were not even aware that we needed. But it is important to listen to the nudges and intuitive thoughts. And when coincidences happen and things seem to fall into place, then we know we are on the right path.